Kip Watson - Role Model Relationships for Your Kids and DeWone Bennett Scary Movies Cause Anxiety #1101
Role Model
Today we talk with Kip Watson about how to role model the best relationship for your kids. DeWone Bennett talks about how scary movies can cause anxiety.
Role Model the BEST Relationship for your Kids, Part II
Kip Watson is a licensed professional counselor and supervisor and a sports psychology professional. She has nearly 20 years of experience and is a mother herself. Kip talks with us today about how children learn from the relationships they observe. This means, the good and the bad. We are not perfect people, therefore we will not be perfect parents. However, our children watch what we do and usually will imitate that into their own lives. Relationships, whether they be romantic or not, are huge for children to learn what is acceptable and appropriate.Kip talks with us about how to make sure our children are understanding what an ideal relationship is, so that they can have good relationships in their future. We have also spoken with DeWone Bennett about fighting in front of your kids, you can listen to that here. Children need good role models, so why not be one for them? Part I of this series with Kip Watson can be found here.
Scary Movies Cause Anxiety
Have you ever watched a scary movie and then not been able to go to sleep because you feel afraid or paranoid? And once you finally get past it and fall have a nightmare. This is the aftermath for a lot of people after they watch a scary movie. DeWone Bennett is a licensed professional counselor with over 10 years of experience. Today we talk about how scary movies can cause anxiety.The one thing that is so disturbing about scary movies today, is a lot of them have realistic situations. Things in these movies can cause anxiety for days to follow because there is a likelihood of them actually happening. Other movies that contain things like creatures or scary clowns, may just evoke that anxiety feeling while watching but at the end of the day you know it's just fiction. Either way, the anxiety you feel during and after a scary movie can be very traumatizing. We talk all about the psychology of this with DeWone today.