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Mary Holland - Children’s Health Defense Update, Mike McFarland, PhD - Delta Variant Anxiety #1568
Mind, Health and Fitness One Life Radio Show & Podcast Mind, Health and Fitness One Life Radio Show & Podcast

Mary Holland - Children’s Health Defense Update, Mike McFarland, PhD - Delta Variant Anxiety #1568

Happy Monday! Mary Holland joins us for her weekly Children’s Health Defense update, and she’s got some explosive reports from the vaccine front. Reported injuries and deaths from the vaccines are rising. People are confused with all the mixed messaging regarding the safety of the vaccine, efficacy and more. Sign up for The Defender to get all the latest news from Children’s Health Defense.

Dr. Mike McFarland joins us with advice for dealing with anxiety brought on by the uncertainty of the new COVID Delta variant. We were just getting back to normal life, then Delta appears. It’s hard to know who to listen to, and everyone is choosing sides. The divide is causing anxiety which can impact our health. Listen for some great advice from Dr. Mike.

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