Drew Manning - Fit2Fat2Fit, Dr. McFarland - Overmedication #1059
Drew Manning Fit2Fat2Fit
Drew Manning joins us today and he is the man who went from fit to fat to fit when he gained and lost 75 pounds...on purpose. He is a leading health and fitness expert and a New York Times best-selling author. As well, he is a leading voice in the Keto movement craze, and a good friend to an OLR regular, Shawn Wells.
Today we talk with Drew about some of the stigmas of the Ketogenic diet as well as some of the positive research. We talk with him about why he did his Fit2Fat2Fit experiment....because why would someone voluntarily gain 75 pounds just to lose it? It's an amazing story, his book "Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose" outlines everything.
If you are someone who is beginning a health journey, or thinking about it, listening to Drew Manning's story is a good start.
Dr. Mike McFarland is a licensed psychologist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders, OCD, male body image and eating disorders. Today we are talking about how we have reached such an overprescribed society. It seems that mental health is becoming more of a priority and less stigmatized, but at the same time the rate of people on a prescription drug is rising. People are becoming more open to talking about mental health and realizing that it is OK to feel sad sometimes. But being sad and being depressed are very different. Prescriptions for mental illness have very risky side effects, which a lot of times outweigh the reason you are on them in the first place. Dr. Mike talks about the state we are in now and what really needs to happen in the psychological area of health for us to fix it.