Dr. Jonathan Avery - Youth Substance Abuse and Von Eaglin - Deal with Your Stuff or Lose Relationship #1028
Substance Abuse
The opioid epidemic is running rampant in our country. People are dying everyday due to an addiction to some sort of substance like an opioid. Now what's even more sad is the fact that our youth are becoming addicted too. Dr. Jonathan Avery is an expert on addiction. Today we talk with him about the current opioid crisis as well as youth substance abuse. The whole vape trend has become so out of control. Dr. Jonathan Avery talks about how kids are using vapes that have nicotine in them and they are completely unaware. They are simply joining the bandwagon, without realizing the potential risks. That is why parents must be vigilant and must be having that discussion with their kids at a much younger age than normal.Substance abuse, whether it be alcohol or drugs, usually effects someone in every family. When it hits the younger generations, it may seem difficult to find help. Kids are so vulnerable to just do what everyone else is doing. Dr. Avery tells us what we should do if our kids may be getting into any type of substance abuse.Von Eaglin joins us to talk about how your baggage should really be dealt with before you enter into a relationship. Everyone has baggage. Whether it be from family, a past relationship, or a past trauma. Von tells us how relationships can be seriously effected in a negative way by your own baggage. Then we talk about how to know if your partner has baggage that they need to deal with.