"World Peace Diet" and Daniel Tague - What Shoes Should You Wear #967

Today we are so honored to talk about "The World Peace Diet" with Dr. Will Tuttle. He is a man who believes in compassion for all living things. Bernadette went to see a screening of the movie "A Prayer for Compassion" which Dr. Tuttle was at to do a Q&A afterward. The movie is in line with the messaging of his book and was so powerful. Dr. Tuttle is a former zen monk and has a Ph.D from UC Berkley and has been a vegan since 1980. He talks about factory farms, eating plant-based, and tapping into a more consciously compassionate way of living. The World Peace Diet is a lifestyle that if everyone incorporated our earth would be much healthier.
Daniel Tague, our fitness guy, talks about shoes and which ones you should be wearing. This goes for in the gym and out of the gym. Your feet can impact so many different parts of your body if they aren't positioned correctly or being smushed into the wrong shoe. Listen in to hear how much your shoes can impact your body.