Cody Bergman and Breden Fitzgerald - The Sustainable Duo: #FuturisticFebruary, Tina Bernet Allen - Inflammation & Diet #1173
Sustainable Duo
Today on One Life Radio we talk with the couple behind the Sustainable Duo, Carly and Brenden. Then we talk with Tina Bernet Allen about how inflammation and our diet is related.
The Sustainable Duo #FuturisticFebruary
Carly Bergman and Brenden Fitzgerald are the two souls behind Sustainable Duo™. They are both passionate about reducing waste in all aspects of living along with eating a purely plant-based diet. Carly first began the initiative, Futuristic February, when she traveled to Nicaragua in 2017 to study Spanish and sustainability. She then created this campaign to raise awareness on unsustainable consumption in modern-day society. After 2018’s Futuristic February challenge, Brenden and Carly created Sustainable Duo™.What is Futuristic February? For the entire month of February, collect your recyclable and non-perishable waste, and don't hold back! Act and waste like you normally would. On February 29th, gather all of your waste and take a picture. Then you can see what a month's worth of waste looks like in real time, and multiply that by 12 to visualize a whole year! It's amazing how much waste we all accumulate. This challenge will make you think twice about every item you buy and use, and you'll want to start to decrease immediately. Carly and Brenden tell us how to join in the #FuturisticFebruary challenge.
Inflammation & Diet with Tina
Tina Bernet Allen is a top personal trainer in the DFW area with over 30 years in the fitness industry. Today we talk about inflammation and diet. Inflammation is a normal bodily process, usually for healing. However, when we consume certain things or if our stress levels are high, inflammation is usually first to show up. Tina talks with us today about what normal or "acute" inflammation is, and what abnormal or "chronic" inflammation is. These both mean different things and are caused by different stressors.If you are looking to reduce inflammation in your body, Tina tells us what to reduce or remove from our diets immediately.