Sept 13th 2017 - Ecosystem Restoration - Resistance Training - Pep Talks at Work
Today we talk with Judy Schwartz about ecosystem restoration, and Daniel Tague teaches us some resistance training techniques.

Judy Schwartz, author of "Water in Plain Sight: Hope for a Thirsty World", goes into the depths of ecosystem restoration and our responsibilities to Mother Nature.
Schwartz believes the following in regard to water and ecosystem restoration: "We often think of water as a “noun”, as something bounded by place. After researching and writing a book on water, however, I’ve come to regard water as a “verb”. Water is always in motion. It expands in volume or retrenches and it retains or releases energy. Water also changes state, moving from gas to liquid to solid and back again, in an ongoing dialogue with land and sun.This is not just to fuss over language. Rather, I believe that understanding how water “works”—how it moves across the landscape and through the atmosphere—is essential to truly address our many water challenges whether we’re contending with scarcity, in the case of drought, or too much water, as in floods. We can better grapple with other significant global problems by zeroing in on water processes."You can find her book here.
Resistance Training
Next, Daniel Tague talks about resistance training and how to keep your workouts aligned with your fitness goals.
1. What are the 5 variables of resistance training?
a. Technique
i. Goal, alignment, positioning, motion, stabilization, breathing and tempo
b. Intensity
i. The amount of load or resistance being moved
c. Volume
i. Total time muscle is under tension (set, routine, day, week, month etc.)
ii. Can be changed by tempo and load
d. Recovery
i. Time is needed for muscles to recover within the routine or before the next time you lift
e. Sequence
i. The order of the exercises based on the goals you want to attain
2. Which one is the most important?