Sara Zaske - Achtung Baby, Daniel Tague - Backpain #930
We are so excited to host Sara Zaske, author of Achtung Baby on the show today. She comes highly recommended by Greg Lukianoff, co-author of the book we've been talking about lately, The Coddling of the American Mind. Sara became intrigued with German parenting practices after moving to Berlin years ago. She observed parents allowing their children much more freedom and space than she was used to seeing in the states. Through years of observation and research, Zaske found that these children seemed to grow up to be secure, independent and self-reliant. Much more so than the American children she knew who had been more closely monitored. Are we too overprotective today with our children? Hear what Sara has to say about the subject on today's show and definitely check out her book, Achtung Baby.
Daniel Tague is teaching us the basic rules for keeping our backs healthy and pain-free. Rule number one? Sit up straight! Hear Daniel's other rules and tips on how to protect your back from injury. You don't want to miss his great advice if you've ever experienced back pain!
Sara Zaske on One Life Radio