Debbie Campbell and Von Eaglin - Relationship Advice #1115
Relationship Advice
Today we get some relationship advice from Debbie Campbell and Von Eaglin. Both are licensed counselors who work with couples and relationships.
5 of the Scariest Habits in a Relationship
Debbie Campbell is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and the co-founder of Curis Functional Health. Who better to get relationship advice from than a shrink? Today we talk about the scariest habits of a relationship. This includes things like: never apologizing, not sharing true emotions/feelings, lack of intimacy, and more. There are so many habits that may be rooted deeply in a person from either their childhood or past relationships. These can easily tear a relationship apart. Debbie talks with us about how you can identify these in a relationship and how you can work to correct it.
How Expectations are Shaping Your Relationship
Von Eaglin is a licensed professional counselor and a certified couple relationships trainer. His relationship advice for us today is about expectations. When you are single looking for the "perfect" mate, you normally have some sort of checklist or ideas of what characteristics that person will have. This is absolutely OK and normal to do. You do not need to lower expectations while looking for a partner. It is the expectations you have while in a relationship that could be shaping your relationship in a not-so-good way. When you expect that your partner is going to do certain things or behave in certain ways and they don't, it can create resentment.Relationships are a constant process of learning about each other, even when you're 10 years in. Things come into relationships like: family, marriage, children, financial setbacks, etc., that will challenge you and your partner. You start to realize that your expectations might not be getting met. And, there is a time and place to address these with your partner. Von goes into detail about all of this today.