Gedalia Genin - Power of Creativity and DeWone Bennett - Fighting In Front of Your Kids #1040
Power of Creativity
If you like to dance, paint, draw, write, sing, play an instrument, etc. then you understand the importance of how this creative escape impacts you. Creativity doesn't have to be a skill or something you are necessarily good at, it just has to be something you enjoy. Gedalia Genin joins us on the air today and she talks about how powerful creativity can be and how it can help you heal. We can get so caught up in our day-to-day and so absorbed by our phones and social media. This completely takes our creative mind and puts in on hold. Creativity is what free's us from some of these stressors and can help us express our feelings through an art form. If you don't feel like you are a creative person, listen to this episode because we talk about hidden creative things you can try.DeWone Bennett is our in-house shrink and today we are talking about fighting in front of your kids. Parents dealing with conflict in front of their children can either be beneficial or detrimental. Today DeWone talks about the potential benefits and the potential pitfalls. Arguments can show children healthy ways to solve problems, and not arguing in front of your children at all will not set them up well in future relationships. Tune in to hear the right ways to fight in front of your kids.