Fitz Lauder - Plant-Based Diets, Daniel Touge - Getting Rid of Back Pain and Rosalie Robinso -Cultivating Courage #935
Today's show was a diverse mix of topics. Daniel Tague continues his talk on getting rid of back pain. Rosalie Robinson talks about cultivating everyday courage. Lastly, Fitz Lauder talks all about the benefits of a whole-foods, plant-based diet.
Fitz Lauder plant-based diets
Fitz Lauder in the Dominican Republic
Daniel Tague, an ortho-kinetic specialist trainer at Telos Fitness Center, reveals the reasons behind back-pain. There are so many hidden secrets to your body that keep it running like a well-oiled machine and Daniel knows all of them! He talks all about lower and upper back pain.
When you hear the word 'courage' who do you think of? Police officers? Fire fighters? Doctors? Rosalie Robinson, our in-house Human Resources expert, talks all about courage and the unconventional ways that it can be expressed.
If you're thinking about going plant-based, this segment is perfect for you! Fitz Lauder, an expert in the whole-food/plant-based diet sector, answers some questions and concerns that come with this diet. Where do you get protein from? And how important is fiber, can you have too much? How hard is it to eat plant-based? You can also find some awesome music by Fitz here.