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Nov 29th 2017 - Holiday Weight Gain - Martial Arts - Productivity

Holiday Weight Gain

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Ryan Lowery gives us his 7 tips and strategies for preventing holiday weight gain this season!7 Tips:

  • Make a plan: Bring a veggie dish to the holiday dinner and eat a healthy portion of it. If wine is your weakness, bring some seltzer water, or other healthy beverage to sip.
  • Eat to savor: Change the way you eat. Research shows conscious or mindful eating aids weight loss.
  • Be in control: Take control of what you eat. Don’t give in to pressure to have a second serving or both kinds of pie.
  • Eat like a kid: Don’t be afraid to play with your food. Slow down and enjoy the experience one forkful at a time. You’ll eat slower and eat less. Portion control is your friend.
  • Earn your food: Upping your physical activity during the holidays is the most effective weight control strategy, according to the Calorie Control Council. If you can’t make it to the gym, take a walk, rake some leaves, vacuum the living room, or clean out the garage.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself: Beating yourself up for asking for a second scoop of ice cream can make you fall off the caloric wagon. Instead, focus on what you did right and congratulate yourself on skipping that third glass of wine.
  • Get some sleep: People tend to let their sleep routines go haywire over the holidays. Research shows those who keep a regular sleep schedule have lower body fat than those who don’t. So don’t be afraid to say goodnight to those old friends and catch some Z’s.

Time to kick some butt!

Daniel Tague discusses the true value of martial arts.

  1. What do you mean by the true value of martial arts?
    • It's not just about leaning to fight, it’s about leaning self-discipline, control of body and mind, being part of a community, building good habits, and leaning about yourself.
  2. What are some common misconceptions of martial arts?
    • It’s all about fighting
    • You will want to get in more fights
    • It is only for people that are responsible and you would not want a violent person taking it because it would give them more tools to hurt people.
  1. What is the best style to learn?
    • Doesn’t matter, it’s about what I talked about before. As long as you are leaning self-discipline and growing as a person.
    • That being said, one on one the best is jujitsu and for real life stand up skills Krav Maga. Outside of those you just need to fine a style that fits you.


Sometimes being accomplished is really simple - it's about getting the right stuff done. Join us as we speak with Rosalie Robinson to learn some of the secrets of some of the most productive people, according to FastCompany.

  1. How would you define productive?
  2. Who are three of the more productive people today?
  3. What are some of their secrets?
  4. Have you put any of these tips into practice?