Navee Mendoza - Spiritual, Mo Brossette - Understanding and Compassion, and Dr. Lori Whatley -Device Overuse

Dr. Lori Whatley on One Life Radio

Navee Mendoza, Mo Brosette, and Dr. Lori Whatley

Hello One Life Radio listeners! Our topics overlap in a weird way today. We first talk to Mo Brossette about listening to others. Dr. Lori Whatley joins us to talk about device overuse. What ever happened to talking face to face? Oh, yeah, COVID-19.

The Spiritual Daily

We are so happy to have our in-house guru of love and peace, Navee Mendoza, to kick off the show with some words of wisdom. She is the founder of The Spiritual Daily, an online platform sharing daily messages of love and hope.  She says that we all have love to give. But, just like working out, we need a push-day every now and then. Think of today as your spiritual push-day. Get out there and exude love, acceptance and peace to everyone you meet. Whatever you give, you'll get back ten-fold.

Perceptions, Understanding and Compassion

Mo Brossette, founder of LINK Endurance, talks with Bernadette about his Monday facebook live talk on Perceptions, Understanding and Compassion. We all agree that we can't begin to perceive what black american males go through in society. But, we all agree that we want to understand to the best of our ability. He tells a story about growing up in a small town and the discrimination he faced because of how he dressed and the friends he had. By no means does he compare his experience with that of black Americans, but it did affect him negatively. He says we all have experiences with discrimination in one form or another. We just need to listen to each other and get a conversation going. If you didn't hear Mo's live talk, visit his facebook page.

Are you Addicted to your Phone?

We are excited to talk to Dr. Lori Whatley about device overuse for her first appearance on One Life Radio. Dr. Whatley is an expert in dealing with issues brought on by excessive phone use. Spending too much time our devices can cause loss of productivity, sleeplessness, anxiety and more.Here's a test to see if you have phone issues. Go to the grocery store without your phone. Be mindful how you feel. If you are stressed or anxious, you may suffer from device overuse.

Still not sure? We've got another test for you. Try not checking your phone for one full hour when you wake up. If you have anxiety, you may have an addiction to your device.

Dr. Whatley

has a four-step process to help navigate device overuse. Check out her new book

Connected & Engaged; How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World around You.

OLR Listeners ROCK!

As always, thanks to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you! If you miss a show, please subscribe to our podcast. We love hearing from you, so please email us with questions or show ideas any time at, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn't do the show without you; Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, NED Hemp Oil, STS Health, VEGWORLD Magazine, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners! 


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