Miriam Kalamian - Keto For Cancer and Jackie Schlegel - Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated #1049
Unvaccinated Vs. Vaccinated
Ketogenic Diet
Miriam Kalamian has a heart wrenching testimony. Her adopted son was diagnosed with a large brain tumor at the age of four. She began the Ketogenic diet along with chemotherapy and saw amazing results. Eventually they were doing the diet alone for 3 years and the tumor was stable. Miriam's son died at the age of 13, not from the tumor, but from complications from a cyst on his brain. The doctors were hesitant of the diet alone, but the the data was right in front of them. Chemo alone was not going to cut it, the Ketogenic diet gave Raffi more time.Miriam studied this diet for cancer therapies from that point forward, and wrote her book "Keto for Cancer: Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy as a Targeted Nutritional Strategy." Today Miriam joins us to talk about some of the modifications that may need to be made to the diet for different circumstances. People who are older, who are fighting cancer, or those with pre-existing conditions may need modifications. If you are adopting a Ketogenic diet for whatever reason, this is a great episode for you.
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated
Unvaccinated are healthier
There's no ethical way to measure the healthiness of a child who's vaccinated and one who is not, so there is no scientific data. But, many practitioners and parents of both have spoken out and claim that unvaccinated children are normally healthier. The rates of children with asthma, allergies, eczema, ADHD, and autism are always higher in vaccinated children. Look at this graph below:Jackie Schlegel is the founder of the group, Texans for Vaccine Choice. She herself has a vaccine injured child which was the catalyst to create this group and protect parents right to choose. We accept calls today and personal testimonies of how children are either vaccinated or not and what their health is like. The topic of vaccines is such a controversial one so today we keep it neutral and open-minded. Our main goal is to inform and keep parents in charge of their children's health.