CBD, Pets and Fireworks, Triclosan July 10th, 2017
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Shawn Wells, Maura Davies, and Stephanie Toupsis
Today's show is a must-listen if your pet is scared of fireworks on the 4th of July. Independence Day has the highest rates of lost pets out of all of the holidays. The noises from the fireworks tend to frighten animals so many flee from the noise and lose their way home. Maura talks about ways you can calm your pet before they bolt for the door. Our sponsor, CW Hemp, has a CBD oil for pets that can help for anxiety which we'll cover later in the show.Stephanie Toupsis teaching us about the negative health effects of Triclosan, a common ingredient in antibacterial soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, cosmetics, fabrics, toys, and other household products. It's already been banned in a few states, so definitely watch out for this and avoid at all costs!Registered dietician, Shawn Wells, is here to tell us about the benefits of combining coconut oil and CBD oil.Q & A with Shawn
Where does this leave us on saturated fat and coconut oil? Coconut oil is safe and healthy. It being as “bad” as butter is sort of true…as butter is not “bad”, but actually quite healthy. Just last year, Time magazine called out the medical doctor base with the landmark story saying 'Butter is Back'. The fact is that fat was never “bad". Highly processed foods like the industrial vegetable oils and ultra-processed carbs are high-glycemic and what should be avoided.
What about the combination of CBD oil and Coconut oil?Coconut oil improves the bioavailability/uptake of CBD for better value and efficacy. The benefits of coconut oil paired with the pain reducing, anxiety reducing, mood enhancing, ani-inflammatory benefits of CBD are a win-win, so a potent, healthy combination. Several groups are currently experimenting with this combination and are reporting tremendous effects online. Not only that, but products like cbd spray for pets are becoming increasingly popular, with many pet owners seeing the positive effects that CBD can have on their animals.
What about CBD? What does it stand for? Where does it come from and what does it do?It is a compound isolated from cannabis oil called CBD, or Cannabidiol. Its non-hallucinogenic or psychoactive (“mind-altering”) like THC (tetrahydrocannibidiol), the component of cannabis that gets you high. CBD is known to reduce pain and potentially treat neuroinflammation, epilepsy, oxidative injury, vomiting, nausea, anxiety and schizophrenia. If this is something that you are interested in obtaining, then you could easily check out a site like octavia herbal to help you see what else is out there, and how it would be able to help you. Taking CBD in small doses can have really great effects on our body, however sometimes it's hard to know how much to take. If this is something you're worried about, use this cbd calculator to make sure you know how concentrated your CBD is. CBD is just one of at least 60 compounds in marijuana that have different pharmacological effects.