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Von Eaglin - New Year's Resolution and Kip Watson - Goal Setting January 4th, 2018

New Year, New Me!

Von Eaglin, talks about what keeps us from making a New Year's resolution stick and how to change it.

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Von Eaglin and Kip Watson

Expecting Success


Kip Watson gives us her best tips on how to expect success and avoid the pitfalls of goal setting. Here are a few questions Kip answers.

  1. Why would you say it is dumb to set goals?

  2. So it it more about what kind of goals… tell us more about that?

  3. What is the number one reason most people do not achieve their goals?

  4. How then do we ‘expect success’ as you call it? What do we need to consider with each goal we set?

  5. What do we actually need to do every morning to achieve success?