Dr. Marvin Singh - Integrative Gastroenterology, Jill Lane -Biological vs Chronological Age #1123
Biological vs Chronological Age
In today's episode we talk with Dr. Marvin Singh about integrative gastroenterology, and with Jill Lane about biological vs. chronological age.
Integrative Medicine and Gastroenterology
Dr. Singh joins us today to talk about the practice of integrative gastroenterology. This type of medicine is much different than conventional gastroenterology because it utilizes things like diet, sleep habits, stress levels, etc. to determine treatment. Integrative medicine is something that is starting to be implemented by doctors all over the country because it is so promising. Dr. Singh tells us how he takes the time to get to know his patients before treating them. By spending time and talking with his patients he understands the bigger picture of why they may be having health concerns. This makes for a great patient-doctor relationship.
Dr. Marvin Singh is the first physician in California to be Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology in addition to being a Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Singh was trained by Dr. Andrew Weil, a pioneer in the field ofintegrative medicine, at the University of Arizona Center forIntegrative Medicine.
What's My Age Again?
Jill Lane joins us to talk about the difference between your chronological age vs your biological age. Chronological age is the actual number of years you've been alive, and biological age is more of how you feel on the inside. Jill tells us that this list can potentially reverse your biological age:
Regular exercise
Good nutrition
Proper sleep
Adequate hydration
Reducing Stress
All the things that Dr. Singh and Jill talk about today are a holistic approach to health and wellness. They take in every aspect of your inner health that will contribute outwardly. By feeling more youthful, you are more productive and probably much happier, and who doesn't want that? Listen in to hear all of the tips Jill has to keep you looking and feeling as youthful as possible.