DeWone Bennett - Insecurities in Relationships, Von Eaglin - Family Dysfunction #1086

Insecurities Destroy Relationships

Von Eaglin and DeWone Bannett

Today we talk with Von Eaglin and DeWone Bennett about how your own insecurities will destroy your relationship and family dysfunction.

Von Eaglin and DeWone Bennett are both experienced licensed professional counselors in the Dallas area. They both work with couples and relationships and are experts on the topic of insecurities destroying relationships. We all have insecurities due to things like our upbringing, past relationships, and exposure to other relationships. This will infiltrate any relationship you enter into and can be destructive. Some examples of insecurities in relationships are:

  • Fear of infidelity

  • Feeling like you're not enough

  • Jealousy

  • Appearance

  • Trust issues

  • Comparison

  • Co-dependency

These all need to get put into check before beginning a relationship because they will be the catalyst. Understanding your own insecurities and your partners is the start. Then, you can begin to self-reflect and correct to be the best version of yourself inside this relationship. Ultimately, your insecurities will never fully go away or totally heal. It's a matter of learning not to act on them. As a result, you and your partner will be in much better shape to have a healthy and successful relationship.We are all human and have our faults, which is OK. Embrace them, learn from them, grow from them.Family dysfunction is most definitely not a rarity in our society. We all have a little bit of family dysfunction, some more than others. So know that you are not alone if you feel your family is kind of messy. Today we talk about what defines a dysfunctional family, and how to cope with it. Families are difficult, everyone is close but has so many differences. You see your loved ones truest colors, and it may not be what you like or think is right. But at the end of the day, you get only one family. Listen in to get some free family counseling from DeWone Bennett and Von Eaglin.


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