Dr. Jonny Bowden - Immune Support, Maura Davies - Catnip, John David Carrasco - Cannliv #1171
Immune Support and CBD
In today's episode we talk with Maura Davies about how catnip works to relax and even sedate cats. Then we talk with Dr. Jonny Bowden about immune support, CBD and the Endocannabanoid system, and more. We also have John David Carrasco in-studio, he is the CEO of Cannliv CBD products.
Catnip - How it Gets Cats High
Maura Davies joins us for our Friday pet segment, and we talk about how catnip effects the behavior of cats. Catnip is an herb that works on about two-thirds of cats. Cats like to roll in catnip, lick it, chew it, and paw at it. Maura talks about where it comes from and how you can give this relaxing herb to your cats. She even tells us it is a great mosquito repellent. Learn more about the SPCA and donate to help them save as many homeless animals as they can.
Immune Support, CBD, and More
Dr. Jonny Bowden joins us today to talk about some of the best ways to boost and support your immune system and we talk about the benefits of CBD. Our immune systems are designed to fight unwanted invaders like bacteria and viruses. But, we have things that can impact the force of our immune system. Things like environmental pollutants, poor food quality, toxins, lack of sleep, and lifestyle choices, can inhibit your immune system from working as well as it potentially could. Dr. Jonny gives us practical ways and supplements to boost our immune systems. Then we talk with Dr. Jonny about CBD and the benefits to our mental and physical health.
Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, (aka “The Nutrition Myth Buster”) is a nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition and health. He is a board-certified nutritionist with a master’s degree in psychology and the author of 14 books on health, healing, food and longevity including three best-sellers, “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth”, “Living Low Carb” and “The Great cholesterol Myth."
Entrepreneurial Spotlight - Cannliv with John David Carrasco
John David Carrasco is the President and CEO of Cannliv, LLC. He has a moving story that begins with his own struggle with opiates, cigarette smoking, and an overall unhealthy lifestyle. He discovered CBD and it's powerful health benefits, which led him to the inception of his company, Cannliv.