Dr. Michael Greger - How NOT to Diet, Keith Norris - Paleo f(x) 2020, DeWone Bennett - What to Look for in a Therapist #1163
How not to diet
In today's show we talk with Dr. Michael Greger about his new book, How Not to Diet. Then we talk with Keith Norris about the upcoming Paleo f(x)™, and DeWone Bennett talks about what to look for in a therapist.
How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger
Author of the mega bestselling How Not to Die, Dr. Greger now turns his attention to the latest research on the leading causes and remedies of obesity. Dr. Greger hones in on the optimal criteria to enable weight loss, while considering how these foods actually affect our health and longevity. Dr. Michael Greger is an internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of the Nutrition Facts website.If you would like to hear our interview with him about the book, How Not to Die, you can listen here. But today we focus on his new book, How Not to Diet. This book covers all aspects of the foods we eat and how they impact our health. Obesity is a leading cause of death in the United States, and our food is the main culprit. It is overly processed, full of chemicals, artificial colorings, high fructose corn syrup, and much more that wreaks havoc on our bodies. Listen in to hear everything Dr. Greger has to say about how not to diet and how to be our healthiest selves.
Paleo f(x)™ 2020 with Keith Norris
The idea behind Paleo f(x)™ originated in August of 2011 by founders and owners, Michelle and Keith Norris. Their passion to help educate the public on how to apply the insights of the ancestral health perspective radiates. The success of the event has been tremendous, with every year more and more people showing up eager to learn.You can hear our past interviews with Michelle, here. In her interview, she tells us the heart-wrenching story of when they lost their daughter. This also was a catalyst in the creation of Paleo f(x)™. This year, their expectations of this amazing event have continued to grow. We cannot wait to be their and cover the event for your all to hear! It will be held in Austin, TX, from April 24th-26th. Learn more and buy your tickets, here.
What to Look for in a Therapist
DeWone Bennett is a licensed professional counselor with over 10 years of experience. Today we talk about how to pick the best therapist for your specific needs. This can seem as difficult as finding the correct partner, for some. Having a therapist who you feel comfortable with, can be vulnerable with, and you can trust, are huge factors. Their has to be a good foundation of trust, along with all the other components, for you to really benefit from your time spent with your therapist.Also, there are other things to consider the can easily be deal-breakers. DeWone tells us where to start when deciding which therapist is right for you.