Mo Brossette - MOGA, Mary Holland - COVID-19 Testing #1232
Mary Holland on One LIfe Radio
Happy Monday OLR listeners! Robin Perry Braun is joining us to discuss healing and energy work, Mo Brossette tells us about his new MOGA technique, and Mary Holland of Children's Health Defense updates us on COVID-19 testing. According to Braun, the virus and home quarantine is sending our bodies into “fight or flight” mode. This state of being takes energy away from our body's ability to keep us well. How do we go from fear to joy? Let the fear be a motivation to have a paradigm shift to health. Listen to Braun's interview to learn more.
How to add a Breath and Mobility Routine to Your Workout
Next, Mo Brossette joins us to talk about MOGA, a breath and mobility workout to add before or after your current fitness program. MOGA uses a number of methods including stretching, animal movements, yoga and more meant to strengthen our spine and stretch our muscles. He says we have to always think of our spine when working out. The healthier our spine, the healthier we are. When we sit, which we are doing a lot under quarantine, our spines curve, becoming more at risk for injury. Even picking up a package or a grocery bag could cause injury if we're not taking care to stretch our spine. While stretching is a preventative measure, our breath is just as important as the stretch. Do you hold your breath when doing a stretch? Practice breathing into the stretch, and this way you increase flexibility and mobility. Brossette believes that combining breath with stretching helps us to recover from a workout, boosts our immunity, relieves stress and more. The combination of breathing and stretching also aids in cell generation, blood flow and suppresses the inflammatory response. Check out one of Brossette's MOGA workouts on his youtube channel .
COVID-19 Testing Update
Mary Holland says the US has been behind the curve on COVID-19 testing, hampering the country's ability to reopen. The testing is in the hands of the states rather than the federal government. This leads to different testing methods being used, some of which are ineffective. Dr. Sing Hang Lee, a scientist and researcher specializing in vaccines, is recommending a proven two-phase test be used nationwide. He expressed his findings as well as a willingness to retest inconclusive test results to both the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to no response. Is he being censored by the FDA?Holland believes that much of the information we read in scientific journals is misleading. She refers to the saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Much of the information we read in scientific journals is paid for by corporations or pharmaceutical companies, and we need to question the validity of these studies. Holland also says hospitals are being offered financial incentives to list COVID-19 as the cause of death for patients in their care. If this is the case, we, as citizens, need to ask questions. Listen to the podcast for more of Holland's interview regarding Dr. Lee's findings and the state of government testing. Learn more about Mary Holland and the Children's Health Defense here.
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