Effects of Meat on the Environment, Bach Flower Essences #965

Have you every thought about waste from the millions and millions of animals raised for our consumption? Greenhouse gases from factory farms account for more pollution than cars do. Fitz Lauder talks about how our meat consumption has led to our water shortages as well, because water is needed to grow crops to feed these animals. We can't raise them without feeding them, and that doesn't mean we feed them well. The confinements these animals are in is absolutely heartbreaking and completely inhumane. Eating more of a plant-based diet could tremendously help lower your carbon footprint, and we all need to do it for any substantial changes to be seen.
Chelsea Barlow is an earth mama just like Bernadette and todays show she talks about the benefits of Bach flower essences. Most people have heard of this and read that it is just as effective as the placebo effect. She tells us where this remedy originated and what the benefits are to using Bach flower essences.