Del Bigtree - Vaxxed Pt 2, Jackie Schlegel - Texans for Vaccine Choice Update #1022
Del Bigtree Podcast
Today we are finishing the two part series of an interview with VAXXED producer, Del Bigtree. In this second half, Bernadette and Del talk about how things have changed in the past 50 years. Why is the measles so scary right now? We talk about an episode of The Brady Bunch where Peter comes home with the measles and it's no big deal. They are happy to have it and get it out of the way! What nonsense, right!? No. It's not nonsense at all. Everyone fears the measles because that's how the media has directed us. There is so much work to be done and education to be had. You can go to Del Bigtree's nonprofit website to learn more.Out girl, Jackie Schlegel, join us today. She is the founder of the group Texans for Vaccine Choice and the reason we were able to speak with Del in the first place. Jackie put together the rally in Austin that Bernadette and Del were featured speakers. Jackie has a daughter who was vaccine injured at 4 months old. She now needs lifelong care to help with