Neil Z. Miller's, Jackie Schlegel, and Daniel Tague #1046

Pertussis / Whooping Cough Vaccine

Neil Z. Miller, Jackie Schlegel, Daniel Tague

We have been covering chapter by chapter of Neil Z. Miller's book, Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, for the last couple of months with Neil. He has taken us through the current vaccine schedule, mercury, and aluminum. Today we are talking specifically about Pertussis, or the more commonly used name, Whooping Cough. Pertussis, or Whooping Cough, is a bacterial infection that causes a severe cough that has a whooping sound, along with cold and flu like symptoms. It can be fatal in very young infants. Today Neil talks with us specifically about the efficacy of the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine along with the risks.Jackie Schlegel is the founder of Texans for Vaccine Choice. Her daughter was injured at the age of 4 months old after her routine well visit where her daughter received 8 vaccines. The symptoms she witnessed, including brain swelling and seizures, all line up with possible risks of the pertussis vaccine. Jackie's daughter was permanently handicapped and never able to live a "normal" life from that point forward.This is such a heavy but important topic to be able to speak about. Neil's book summarizes over 400 published scientific studies, so all the information is factual. Whether you choose to vaccinate or not, you must do your research and be able to find the truth.Daniel Tague joins us for Workout Wednesday and we are talking about how to get in shape. There is a key to getting in shape and Daniel gives us exactly what that is in this episode.


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