Dr. Nasha Winters - Carcinogens in Cosmetics and Clothing, Kathy Gilbert -Chasing Joy, Stephanie Toups - Food Additives #1132
In today's episode we talk with Dr. Nasha Winters about carcinogens in clothing and cosmetics. Kathy Gilbert joins us to talk about why she chooses joy, even in times of grief. And Stephanie Toups talks about how to follow the EWG's dirty dozen guide to food additives.
Carcinogens in Clothing and Cosmetics
Dr. Nasha was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer at the age of 19. She was given only a few months to live. Today, she is a leading doctor in the research of cancer, and author of the book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Today we talk with her about how toxic our clothing and cosmetics really are. The mass amounts of ingredients in products, especially cosmetics, make it difficult to regulate. We talk with Dr. Nasha about how to tackle reading these labels and how to make the safest purchases for yourself and your family.
Dr. Nasha Winters is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology (FABNO). She is a global healthcare authority in integrative cancer research.
Choosing Joy
Kathy Gilbert writes for Paleo Magazine, and in the current issue she writes an article about choosing joy. Today she talks about how to choose joy in times of grief, without completely ignoring your grief. She is an inspirational writer who runs a blog called Wide Angle Lens: "living with perspective." We cannot wait to have her back!
Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Additives
Stephanie Toups is a consumer advocate professional, primarily focused on the personal care industry. Today we talk with her about the EWG's guide to food additives. If a food label reads "natural flavors" then you should run in the other direction. Food additives are in so many foods and to put it simply, we have no idea the long term effects. The regulation on food is almost as bad as that of cosmetics.Stephanie talks with us about how to read nutrition labels, how to shop in the grocery store, and how we can do our part to enforce some change. By demanding safe and healthy products for us and future generations, we have to demand it. That means, leaving the bad stuff on the shelves. You can visit the EWG website to see the dirty dozen of food additives.