#749 Apr 17th 2018 - Forgiveness With Partners - What are Kosher Guidelines? - Integrative Vs. Functional Medicine


Forgiveness With Partners

David Essel talks about forgiveness with partners.

  1. Where do we start when we begin to delve into, and not away from, anger, rage, and resentments in order to begin the healing process of forgiveness?
  2. How does codependency, in many cases, lead to people taking advantage of us?
  3. What are some exercises that can help us forgive the people who has wronged us?
  4. The last step, is forgiving ourselves. For being gullible? For trusting someone when we shouldn't? Forgiving ourselves for having the intense feelings of rage and resentment, that our society says we shouldn't have? How do we ultimately forgive ourselves?

What are Kosher Guidelines?

kosherDr. Gabriel Cousens talks about the spirituality behind kosher guidelines.

  1. What is the purpose of kashrut?
  2. What is the meaning of holistic, eco-kosher?
  3. Can you explain the subtleties of why holistic, eco-kosher is significant today

Integrative Vs. Functional Medicine

Dr. David Morcom discusses integrative vs. functional medicine.

  1. Can you explain to our listeners the difference between integrative and functional medicine?
  2. What about the interconnection of all the systems of the body?
  3. Can you explain genetics versus epigenetics?
  4. Bacterial/Fungal Overgrowth is a major/common contributor to diseaseโ€ฆ How do you deal with this?
  5. Can you talk about mindfulness and the nervous system and how it connects into chronic disease at both a scientific & energetic level?



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