Mike McFarland - Make the most of your time at home during the COVID-19 crisis and Mo Brossette - Lasting Change
One Life Radio COVID-19
Bernadette Fiaschetti and One Life Radio continue to bring you the most current advice and information during the COVID19 outbreak.Mike McFarland adds to the conversation with examples how we can make the most of sheltering in place. Mike tells us that social isolation is a big contributor to stress. We need to connect with people who are important in our lives. Keep kids busy by chores, reading, work in the yard, etc. Restrict screen time. Keep up with exercise, play with your pets and give them lots of love and affection. They are there for you! Tackle the projects you’ve been putting off – paint a room, clean your closets, etc.And, finally, Mo Brossette talks about how this world-wide stay at home policy is helping to create lasting change for the planet. Brossette explains how pollution has decreased exponentially during the virus, and we need to take note and make lasting changes in our lives. Everyone staying home is actually giving the planet a chance to breath. We need to reevaluate our lives, consume less, give back and realize what we need versus what we want and cut back. Mo says to remember you can create your own thoughts; that you have what you need and you are safe and in control.We can all get through this together if we stay connected!