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Von Eaglin - Friends and Jared Moffat - Marijuana Policy Project #1430

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Happy Thursday!

We have Jared Moffat From The Marijuana Policy Project talking about his organization. Von Eaglin is here to talk about friends in relationships. It has been a long week without live radio, so we are ready to deliver to you! We have a great show for you today, so let's get started?

Jared Moffat

Jared has been working to change marijuana laws since 2012 when he was an undergraduate at Brown University, helping to organize students to successfully decriminalize marijuana possession in Rhode Island. He joined the Marijuana Policy Project, or MPP, in 2014 as Rhode Island political director, Jared helped build an influential statewide coalition, Regulate Rhode Island, with the goal of legalizing marijuana like alcohol. He played a role in the 2016 Massachusetts legalization campaign as field director, and he was part of teams that successfully passed Michi- gan’s 2018 ballot initiative to legalize marijuana for adults as well as Utah’s 2018 medical marijuana measure. Most recently, Jared played a central role in the successful 2020 ballot initiative campaigns in Montana for adult-use legalization and South Dakota for legalization of both medical and adult-use marijuana.

Marijuana Policy Project

The mission of The Marijuana Policy Project is simple. MPP’s mission is to change federal law to allow states to determine their own marijuana policies without federal interference, to allow the medical use of cannabis in all 50 states and U.S. territories, and to regulate marijuana like alcohol. The Marijuana Policy Project changes laws and lives for the better. They activate people and mobilize resources to create lasting policy solutions that improve the quality of life for patients and their families, empower individuals with personal choice, combat injustices, and promote equality.

Marijuana prohibition has failed in many ways. The goal of marijuana prohibition closely mimics that of when we prohibited alcohol in the early 1920's. Prohibition hasn't made it safer to access marijuana, but rather making it more dangerous for those states that have not legalized it. Fortunately, we are in an era that can study the affects of marijuana, thc, and cbd on the the brain and body.

Von Eaglin

Von Eaglin is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and works with two group practices in the Dallas area. He is a certified couple relationship trainer and sees a wide range of clients addressing men’s issues, anger management, abuse, and addiction; just to name a few. Eaglin is also a doctoral candidate at the University of North Texas in the Counseling and Higher Education Department. His Ph.D. research focuses on on couple relationships dialogue. You can find him at his website or follow him on Instagram @VonTalks.

Are Your Friends Helping or Hurting Your Relationship?

Boys and Girls, and Men and Women process relationships and deal with friendships differently. Men seem to keep the game going with their other male friends. If one male fights another male, they just keep going and never get to the root of the problem. Females, on the other hand want to talk the problem out if there is one. Female relationships, on average, have a higher intimacy level, than with males. Some people believe that a man and woman can be friends, but sexual attraction is hard to ignore if it is there. Monitor your relationships and friendships closely, and do not be afraid to talk about it with your partner.

Thank You!

Thank you to Jared Moffat and Von Eaglin. To read more about The Marijuana Policy Project, click here! To read or schedule an appointment with Von Eaglin, click here!

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