Stacy Sutton Kerby - Texas Humane Legislation Network, John Mercer - Cafe Momentum #1361
John mercer, Stacy sutton kerby
Happy Super Tuesday!
Happy Super Tuesday! Amidst a Presidential Race, Texas Veggie Fair On The Air pushes on! We have a great show today with John Mercer and Stacy Sutton Kerby from the Texas Humane Legislation Network, so let's get started!
John Mercer
John Mercer is a chef at Café Momentum, a nationally-recognized nonprofit restaurant and professional training facility in the heart of downtown Dallas, which provides a 12-month paid post-release internship program for young men and women exiting juvenile detention. Prior to joining Café Momentum, John led and mentored as Executive Chef at Whole Foods Park Lane for several years. John also cooked at V-Eats Modern Vegan Kitchen.
Cafe Momentum
Next we have John Mercer from Café Momentum, a nationally-recognized nonprofit restaurant and professional training facility in the heart of downtown Dallas, which provides a 12-month paid post-release internship program for young men and women exiting juvenile detention. John has worked with Jamey from Texas Veggie Fair for years. He walks us through the program which covers everything needed to run a restaurant. Kids going through the program work in the bakery, kitchen, front-of-house, bus tables and do dishes. Through the program the kids learn skills they can use later in life. Listen to the podcast to hear some of John’s favorite stories from his years working at Café Momentum. And, visit the website to see the menu and their hours. The restaurant is open Thursday through Saturday.
Stacy Sutton Kerby
Stacy’s tenure with Texas Humane Legislation Network, or THLN, began in 2012 with fundraising and grassroots organizing. Since then, Stacy has worn several hats for THLN, including Volunteer Coordinator, Director of Operations, and Legislative Liaison. Stacy served as THLN's Interim Executive Director in 2015 when they successfully passed HB 593 – the Mandatory Canine Encounter Training Law. In 2019, Stacy launched Safekeeping – a program supporting the pets of people exiting crises. She received her Master’s in Public Affairs from the LBJ School in August 2019, and returned to THLN in 2020 as the Director of Government relations. Stacy volunteers in her local community with the Austin Humane Society and PALS – a program supporting the pets of Meals On Wheels clients
Texas Human Legislation Network
Texas Humane Legislation Network, or THLN, helps fight puppy mills and so much more. They help pass laws to protect our pets, and also to protect the amazing wildlife In Texas. Stacy cites the popularity of the Tiger King documentary is bringing to light the cruelty involved in domesticating exotic animals, which is totally legal in Texas.When asked what the most pressing issue is right now in Texas, Stacy talks about the homeless pet population and the importance of adoption. If everyone would adopt rather than buy their pets, the stray population would be dramatically decreased.For more information and to help them fight for the rights of Texas animals, go to
Thank You!
A big thank you to our guests, Stacy Sutton Kerby and John Mercer! Find more about The Texas Humane Legislation Network here! Read more and find Cafe Momentum's menu here!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!