Logan Shiels - Beautiful In Death and Autumn Warren Connolly - Facts Aren’t Feelings #1315
Logan Shiels, Autumn Warren Connolly
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday! We can not believe it is almost September! What a year we are having. Life is coming at us fast, but it's nothing we can't handle. Today we have two very loved guests! Resident Earth Mama, Autumn Warren Connolly is back again to discuss the cerebrals. Logan Shiels, Resident Beauty Guru is here to talk about something near and dear to her heart.
Autumn Warren Connolly
Autumn Connolly lives in the sky islands of Arizona with her three kiddos and animal babies. She is the creator of Anvil Traditional Healing, a company dedicated to restoring microbiome health through diet. Follow Autumn on Instagram @AnvilTraditionalHealing. Autumn is a self-taught vegan chef, a serial gardener and an avid believer and teacher of the powers of meditation.
Facts Aren't Feelings
What an interesting topic! Autumn and Bernadette reference a book on tape, "Feeling Is The Secret," by Neville Goddard. From what we got from it, consciousness is the substance of the entire world. With knowing that conciseness is the one reality, we can find truth in our feelings. We must change the pattern in our minds and always make it a positive one! We truly can ignore the negative energies swirling around us if we really try. Our brains are powerful enough! It is easier to believe the negative things about ourselves rather the positive, but we can indeed believe the positive. You are good enough! Relish in your feelings of success to program your brain to be positive. The subconscious has the same thoughts as our conscious, so it's really just the computer.There are two kinds of consciousness! The conscious is male, the subconscious is female. Bernadette inquires if females are "better" at feelings than men. Autumn tells us that the male/female idea is more allegorical. However, society speaking, women are ruled by their feelings more than men. The subconscious is something than we can not change without the act of the conscious. We need both the male and female, the subconscious and the conscious to function! The mind is a powerful tool, do not forget that! Mindfulness is important to remember too when changing the course of your thinking. Speak things into existence! Use "I am" statements! Never "I am not."
Logan Shiels
Logan Shiels is an Oklahoma girl who has planted her roots in Dallas, TX. As a veteran of the beauty industry as a hair stylist now at ERA Salon in Dallas, Logan has become a beauty guru. Logan is the co-owner of the Uncommon Man clothing boutique alongside her husband, Kyle, as well as a charity advocate. Whichever hat she’s wearing, her goal is to always make the people around her feel and be their best. When she’s not hustling in one of her careers, you can find Logan traveling, working out, or doing some self-care or just drinking Rose on a hot Texas day. Today, we are getting a little real, because let’s face it, life can get in the way. Today we will talk about the intersection between beauty and death, and what we can do to overcome grieving to see the beauty in departure.
Beauty In Death
Of course death is going to cause some sorrow, but it’s a chance we all get to celebrate the lives our loved ones lived, all they meant to you and all he happy moments that came with it. We should be honored that we get to honor some ones life. Death can cause happiness. It’s the happiness that the soul is free from all things evil; pain, materialistic things, hurt. Free from things that hold them back and are able to rest in eternal peace. We can honor our lost loved ones beautifully! Take everything that you have learned from that person, and put it into action. Nobody is completely dead until the waves that they have put on this world are still. Till the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Until the seas run dry. No one is ever really dead! We keep our loved ones alive through memory.
Donald Dwayne Rogers
Here are Logan's words about her beloved grandfather. "Just recently I experienced the most beautiful death I have ever witnessed with my Grandfather. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago and following were emphysema, and pancreatic cancer so it was a battle, but we are so lucky that he was a strong force who stuck around for us and when it was time for us to help him we all stuck around for him everyday! The weeks leading up to his death were a beautiful sight to see, my grandparents’ house was full of laughter, love and SO SO many people rotating in and out to spend time with him and our family. When the moment came, he knew, everyone knew, a circle was formed around him, hands were held and prayers were said, the whole room was moved and brought together in a bond… his final gift to us all."
Thank You!
A big thank you to our guests, Autumn Warren Connolly and Logan Shiels! We truly only get one body, one mind, and one life. Take everything you can and make it worth living and make it beautiful!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at info@oneliferadio.com. Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!