Dr. Lori Whatley - Child Academics, Von Eaglin - Denial #1313

dr. lori Whitley, Von Eaglin

Dr. Lori Whatley and Von Eaglin

Happy Thursday!

We are happy it is almost the weekend! Bernadette encourages us all to read our labels! Don't get frosted by pretty packaging! Bernadette got her youngest a PSL this morning and left her wondering how much sugar was in one. There are 50 grams of sugar in a Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks! That's 11.9 teaspoons of sugar! Be ware about how much sugar you're giving your kiddos. Speaking of Kiddos, we have Dr. Lori Whatley with us today, and new dad Von Eaglin on today!

Dr. Lori Whatley

Dr. Lori Whatley is a clinical psychologist and relational therapist who specializes in the effects of excessive digital device usage. Dr. Whatley has over 25 years of clinical experience and has specialized in digital device usage for the past 10 years. Her latest book "Connected & Engaged: How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World AroundYou" takes a look at the toll excessive digital device usage has on our lives—and what we can do about it.

Do You Push Your Child Academically?

This is an important question we need to ask! Bernadette's own daughter shared that students are now more reluctant to help other students with their homework because student rank has become so important in High Schools. Dr. Lori says we can not live that way. Bernadette suggests that parents raise and hold difference values of academics over their children. Dr. Lori thinks that every parent wants their child to be successful, but every parent has a different definition of success. Parents project those different ideas of success onto them. Play is a child's work! Dr. Lori says remember that. Dr. Lori says that our children slip further away from fundamental tools each day. We must send our children out into the world with a full toolbox! Not just a perfect GPA. A perfect GPA can only get you so far. Life skills keep you alive.The word Dr. Whatley urges us to use instead of "push" is "encourage." When we push, we get negative effects. High School is tough, and there are so many stressors! Teenagers don't talk to parents as much as they should, but that doesn't mean that you should push. Let your child talk to you by removing digital devices from the cars. Don't let your teen text all the way home, let them decompress and talk. Listen. There are physiological signs that your child is overwhelmed in school; stomach aches, headaches, etc. Sharing is important. Someone is always listening and looking for a story to relate to. Good news is, colleges are beginning to look at more than just GPA's, but more the whole person. Have open communication between parents. Bridge the gap. The most important takeaway is to listen! Listen to your children!

Von Eaglin

Von Eaglin is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and works with two group practices in the Dallas area. He is a certified couple relationship trainer and sees a wide range of clients addressing men's issues, anger management, abuse, and addiction; just to name a few. He is also a doctoral candidate at the University of North Texas in the Counseling and Higher Education Department. His Ph.D. research focuses on on couple relationships dialogue. You can find him at his website or follow him on Instagram @VonTalks.

The Danger of Denial

Denial means someone who is confronted with a personal problem that they are trying to avoid. Really, it's about your ego. When you are in a highly stressful situation, you go into denial to shut it down in your body. Being in denial allows you to put the issue off and not address it. The father of psycho therapy, Sigmund Freud came up with many different definition types of denial. Some people take out their anger on the wrong person, like their partner instead of talking to the person they really have a problem with. Another type of denial is  displacement. Displacement would be the person who would come home and kick the dog instead of addressing their problems. Denial is blocking your feelings to keep your ego in tact.Denial is a way to protect ourselves from scary situations. In a cheating situation, denial of action is common. Whenever you become sick and tired of being sick and tired is when you will make a change. If you are constantly finding yourself or someone you care about make excuses for their actions, you are seeing denial. Don't co-sign someone else's bulls**t. Do not allow the person you care about to remain in denial, and don't let give into their denial by co signing it. Criticism needs to change into curiosity, then that will change into connection. If someone points out that you are in denial, you have to be open to other ways of thinking. Be a little more objective, and ground yourself. You have to learn how to self sooth when your ego is being challenged.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Lori Whatley and Von Eaglin.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at info@oneliferadio.com. Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners! 


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