Tina Bernet Allen - Brain and Body Workouts, Kip Watson - Positive Coaching Alliance #1263
Kip Watson on One Life Radio
Tina Bernet Allen and Bernadette discuss the importance of moving and keeping active. And, Kip Watson updates us on the work of the Positive Coaching Alliance.
Importance of Working your Brain and your Body
Tina Bernet Allen is one of the top fitness trainers in Dallas. She tailors each workout to the specific needs of her clients. Bernet-Allen says that as we age, it’s important to do exercises that also include brain function. For instance, do exercises that have several movements needing coordination and balance. She says to vary your program and challenge yourself. These types of movements work more muscle groups at once and burn more calories.
Positive Coaching Alliance
Kip Watson is here to give us an update on the great work of the Positive Coaching Alliance, a non-profit group helping student athletes to reach their full potential on and off the field. Students today are facing unprecedented challenges as they return to school amid the COVID-19 outbreak and nationwide protesting.The PCA hosts over 3,500 workshops per year, helping athletes perform at their best by teaching the life skills students need to succeed. This is important now more than ever. Some states have started allowing student practices as states reopen after COVID. Coaches are considering safety measures such as regular temperature checks, separating lockers and social distance to protect students. Watson expressed concern, saying there’s no way to enforce social distancing with contact sports.In regard to the nationwide protesting over racial discrimination, Watson says how race issues are addressed is going to be specific to each school. PCA is currently speaking with top sports authorities as well as government leaders to determine what programs will work best to help coaches and students address racial discrimination within their athletic departments. Learn more about Kip on her website, braincodecorp.com.We love having Kip and Tina on the show. Click to hear one of Kip's previous episodes, or here for a past interview with Tina.Thanks to everyone for listening to One Life Radio!