Podcast After the Broadcast Ep. 10 - Mo Brossette - Dating After Divorce
Dating After a Divorce
Today's Podcast After the Broadcast is a very personal one. Bernadette and Mo Brossette all talk about life and dating after going through a divorce. This hits close to home for Bernadette as she has been through this herself. When children are involved, it makes it a whole different ball game as well. Divorce rates are slowing among the millennial generation, but marriage rates are also slowing. People are staying single longer, which we will see late on whether or not that will help with the decline.Either way, divorce is something that we all know way too well. This episode relates to anyone considering marriage or currently going through a divorce. Getting back out there and dating after a divorce can be very scary. Is it healthy to jump right back in? Should you just remain single since it didn't work the first time? How do you know if and when you are ready? These are all common questions that the answers probably vary from person to person. But the importance of this podcast is that being vulnerable and being open can be extremely helpful and therapeutic.We offer off the air conversation with NO commercials, NO filtering, and NO censoring. If you enjoy this podcast, please share it!!